Top 10 Book Series for World Book Day 2016

World Book Day is back! What better way to celebrate than to make a brilliant book list? Last year I created a YA imaginary literary tea party with my favourite characters and the year before I listed 40 awesome books/series. But 40 is way too easy. Let's crack down on the list and go for just 10 series (it was way too difficult when including stand alone books too!) . . .
The Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins
GONE Series - Michael Grant
Lorien Legacies - Pittacus Lore
Chaos Walking - Patrick Ness
Divergent Trilogy - Veronica Roth
Harry Potter Series - J.K. Rowling
The Forest of Hands and Teeth Trilogy - Carrie Ryan
John Cleaver Trilogy - Dan Wells
Rephiam Series - Paula Weston
Dustlands Trilogy - Moira Young
If you haven't read these books I suggest you go and read them right now! And yes, they're all YA, what else?
Happy World Book Day!