NaNo's Coming

I know it's only September, but in a blink, it'll be the 31st of October and you'll have to scrape your plans together ready for the starting whistle at midnight. You might not like the reminder, but there are only 56 days left until we're scribbling away into the night.
Unlike other years where I've blogged just before the start of NaNo, I thought this year I'd do one earlier to try and convince as many of you unsure writers as I can.
For those of you that don't know, NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month, where hundreds of thousands of writers plan to write a novel in November. More specifically, we pledge to write 50,000 words in 30 days.

Yes, it's as mental as it sounds.
But wait, before you run off into the distance screaming and waving your arms, I'm here to tell you it is an incredible experience. I've taken part in this madness for the past five years, and NaNo '16 will be my sixth year. NaNoWriMo, honestly, is one of the main reasons my writing improves year on year. There's nothing quite like writing only for yourself with only the pressure of word count to contend with. During NaNo, we don't care what our words sound like, only that they're making it onto the page.
We are free.

I wouldn't miss a November for the world, and I want to share this magical experience with all of you. And I'm here to tell you that you can do it. And if you're still in doubt, there's no reason not to try. At the end of November, you could have a finished novel, and whether it's your first or fifty-first, there's nothing more amazing in the universe.
Please join us as we pledge to write 50,000 words in 30 days. It's only 1,667 words a day. I know you can do it.
The community is so fantastic and supportive as well. We help each other through times of hardship, sleep deprivation, and caffeine lows. I'll be cheering you on! Just add me as a buddy on NaNoWriMo's website. My username is MollyLooby, you can get to it here.
Give it a go. It might be just what your writing needs.
And Wrimos past and present, I'll be waiting for you at the starting line!