Instagram Livestameet
On Saturday, I was lucky enough to be invited to Instagram's first "Livestameet" where a few awesome people were going to be gathered together to go live on Instagram at the same time.
Going live was bizarre, but kind of great. It's like talking to yourself, but people can listen, which I found strangely powerful.
Other than falling into a Central Line tube train and almost landing on my face, I had an amazing day meeting some incredible people and catching up with my awesome friend Fay.
I must say, I felt pretty important when I realised there were only a handful of us invited! I've said it before, and I'll say it again, it's all about who you know.
Thanks so much to Instagram for the opportunity to get together and feedback on the new live feature. And thanks to all the girls for a great day!
We'll be back to book/writing stuff next week, I promise. In fact, I've got another awesome writing advice blog for you next week, so look out for that!