Awesome Female Protagonists Written by Women! IWD 2017
As I've been doing these blogs for a few years, I was stuck for something to list. I love a list, don't you? I've already listed my favourite female characters and authors. But I realised I haven't listed my favourite books with strong female protagonists written by women. So that's what I'm doing! I decided to do a top ten just to make it more difficult! So here they are (alphabetical by author):
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
The Hunger Games trilogy - Suzanne Collins
Unearthly trilogy - Cynthia Hand
Maybe One Day - Melissa Kantor
Divergent trilogy - Veronica Roth
The Forest of Hands and Teeth trilogy - Carrie Ryan
Daughter of Deep Silence - Carrie Ryan
The Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy - Maggie Stiefvater
Rephiam series - Paula Weston
Dustlands trilogy - Moira Young
What are your favourites?