My Awesome Zombie Awareness Month

So Zombie Awareness Month has come to an end for another year. This year I managed to get a lot of zombie-related stuff done during ZAM, so I thought it deserved sharing.
Of course, to start off, I shared some of my favourite ZA quotes on this very blog.
I had fun with my throwback Thursdays too, posting a picture of the Zombie Run I went on in 2012, the amazing event I had at the Chicken and Frog bookshop for ZA last year, as well as my ZA book signing at Waterstones!

I also reminded all of you that I wrote a blog about my top five zombie books, films, and games on Movellas. (You can read it here.)
The best part of this year's Zombie Awareness Month was being Waterstones's YA book club book for May! And what a perfect time for it! I was asked along, and it was an amazing experience. It was so great to talk to people who know all the spoilers ZA has to offer. Usually, I have to be careful with what I give away, but it was so freeing to be able to discuss any part of the book! It was also fascinating to find out what they thought of each character. Of course, Gemma was the clear favourite (I was in no doubt). It was also great that for most of them, ZA was their first zombie book. I'm sure I've opened up a door for them to discover some truly amazing zombie books!

The next most exciting thing was my Zombies, Run discovery. Zombies, Run is a fitness app I suppose. You go out running or walking, and you get the story in your headphones while you're out. As you go, you pick up bits and pieces of equipment that when you finish the mission go back to your camp. But the absolute best thing is the zombie chases. At random intervals (or as part of the plot), zombies will chase you and you have to pick up your pace to survive. I've never enjoyed running until now, and I'm finding myself dying to go out again!

And of course, I wore my Zombie Awareness Month bracelet and explained to people who asked what that was!
Until next year, survivors. Speaking of which, you can join my ZA survivors here. Stay ZA ready!